Iespēja pieteiktie vasaras kursiem “Starptautiskais mārketings un loģistika”, kas paredzēts no 19.-30.jūnijam Nīderlandē.
Practical data for both courses
3rd year undergraduate level
5 ECTS, stated by an official certificate and transcript of RUAS
Period: June, 19th – 30th, 2017
Application deadline: May 1, 2017
English language level: IELTS 6.0 or CEF B1/B2
Accommodation available in different price ranges
Location: Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, World Trade Centre, Beursplein 37, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
More info:
Application :…/tourism/destinations/rotterdam.htm
In case you have any questions about the programme, please contact
Mrs.Hanna Fazzari or Bo van der Voort via